
My son is the youngest of three; he’s currently a junior. Had I known what a gift FMB was going to be for my son, I would have insisted that my older two join. Drastically changed his high school experience for the better.

Lianna – Band Parent

I currently have a son who is a junior, a son who is a freshman, and a daughter who just joined the color guard as a seventh grader. Band has been a wonderful, challenging, rewarding experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. My oldest has been marching since the eighth grade and it’s been amazing to see the growth in him over the last four years. Band has given him the opportunity to develop and transform into a confident and mature young adult and has given him a discipline that will help him as he goes forward in college and beyond. I’m thrilled that my younger two now have the same opportunity to learn the skills and values that are central to the FM band and will allow all three of them to carry on the tradition of this wonderful organization. This isn’t just a band, this is a family.

Ashli – Band Parent

My son participated in the bands at Fort Mill all four years of high school. We moved specifically to Fort Mill because the program is so widely acclaimed. My son like many didn’t play particularly well and didn’t have a lot of friends in middle school. However when high school started, he thrived in the program, learned life skills, and created a great social group of friends. The staff is first rate and the fall marching shows are extraordinarily. The Fort Mill band community will always have a special place in my heart – you won’t want to miss out on the joys of this program.

Nancy – Alumni Parent

My son is currently a Junior, and I can say without a doubt that being part of this program has been the best decision he has ever made for himself. The life skills he has learned in addition to the art of music and marching are outstanding. The directors set very high expectations on how band students conduct themselves on and off campus. The upperclassmen lead by example and the underclassmen quickly follow suit. Being part of such a successful, highly regarded program with beloved traditions has boosted my son’s confidence and given him a home in high school. As a parent, it blows my mind to watch the level of talent these kids have when it comes to not just playing music beautifully, but also doing it while completing very complex marching shows. It has truly been an unexpected highlight for our entire family during his high school years.”

Angie W. – Band Parent

Joining the FMHS marching band gave me a group of friends that I could come to about anything throughout all four years of High school wether it was homework or just life skills. The long nights and after school rehearsals helped me learn to balance my workload easier too!!

Alexandra D.

The experiences my two daughters have had with the band has been life changing. One was determined she was not going to band at FMHS, I encouraged her to try just 1 day of the rising 8th grade band camp in the spring made all. She came home after the first day and felt as though she already belonged. It only took her 1 afternoon to see and learn the difference between middle and high school band. FMHS band has a family atmosphere, where all are encouraged and accepted no matter the instrument or ability. Each student strives to be their best because of the team they are part of. The friendships, experiences and expectations are something you cannot get elsewhere. The band allows students in all grades to participate and get to know each other in a way that will enhance their high school experience with the knowledge they are accepted in all ways and supported.

Terri – Band Parent